5 Years

Five years back today, I started my day as a Happiness Engineer. I started my day with a bunch of hours on Live Chat support with customers of WordPress.com. It only fits that today happened to be a similar Monday with chat shifts to start my day. Call it life coming a full circle. It felt nostalgic to relive the very same excitement as I navigated chats today.  

I am incredibly lucky for what I have for myself today. Thanks to Automattic for providing me with this and numerous other opportunities to grow and develop myself, not just as a better Happiness Engineer but as a better human being.

Everything I enjoy in my life today, everything I show off today and anything that I may take for granted (0 km commute for example) today comes from this incredible opportunity I got five years back. 

Even to do this day, this work-life, feels like a dream. There is a teeny tiny bit of doubt that I may wake up from this dream; and everything would vanish. Even if it were a dream, it has been incredibly rewarding, and the experience has been nothing but a pleasure. 

It would be amiss if I weren’t thankful for the team who make it what it is. Automattic then was a road not taken. Now, I have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep.

P.S – We are hiring.

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