The Billionaire’s typewriter

It is an elaborate and a very substantial critiquing on Medium and how Medium works by Butterick.  It is important to read through this and understand on how Medium works and what the implications are to using Medium.

People are often short sighted especially when barrier to entry into anything is literally none and more so when things are free.   But are there any free lunches anywhere? Yeah I know open source is still a big deal and it still works if you want etc.. etc.. The problem is, Medium is not open source, nor do I care if it will be one. The problem I have with Medium is that, they own the content. That is something that I am not comfortable with at all. I am self hosted for a reason and this is the primary reason besides a few other minor ones.  I OWN my content and I control everything about it. Now that is some thing every blogger/author needs to worry about.  I would prefer to Medium any day.

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