On finding your purpose & procrastination

I was reading this long letter here that was shared on my company slack account, this line stood out for me.

Naturally, it isn’t as easy as it sounds. You’ve lived a relatively narrow life, a vertical rather than a horizontal existence. So it isn’t any too difficult to understand why you seem to feel the way you do. But a man who procrastinates in his CHOOSING will inevitably have his choice made for him by circumstance.

A very intriguing letter by Hunter S. Thompson in April of 1958 when he was 22. The amount of maturity and the thought put into writing is very deep and profound. I would suggest you spend the time reading it. I would say, you may want to ponder on this even more than just reading the letter. I would like to quote a few more portions of it, but I don’t want to copy-paste the entire letter here.

The use of the word “procrastinates” surprised me a little bit.  If my life is a path that I choose for myself and I am constantly learning and evolving, when or how do I know that I have procrastinated. Also if I have picked my path only at 30 does that mean I have procrastinated for 30 years? Haven’t those 30 years of experience define who I am how I how chose my path?

I don’t know if there is a definitive answer to this. If you have any, I would love to hear them. None the less, please do yourself a favour and read this letter your self.


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