The No List

The No List
When I say no (e.g., conference talk invites, “pick my brain” invitations, jury solicitations), I immediately add my regret to >the No List. I nurture this growing list of no-things, adding category data like dates events would have happened, themes, and date turned down.

Suddenly, I’m making list of cities not seen, airplanes not embarked, and time saved, rather than time taken away. Several >months later, I have a made a substantial something. It’s how I’ve …..

The no list is an interesting idea that I think I should try and put into practice. May be you will be intrigued by the idea too. I am quite sure it will give quite the revelations about oneself and will be a great insight to how our mindset has changed over the time besides, how we have valued my time.

via Minimal Mac

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