Reflections on my 2018!

2018 was a mixed year for me. Lot of firsts for me this year. A few life changing events happened over the year. I am mostly happy for almost all of them and wish things were slightly different overall. That said I am really happy for where I am now. The year has been an incredible part of my journey so far. I moved out of home (finally 😃), started cooking my own food, rode the GDD after 4 years of trying to ride it, completed an year as lead (long way to go), met some amazing people, a tonne of driving around, lots of sweet memories with friends and with loved ones, lost my grandmother, a completely broken relationship with Dad and so on.

While at this time of the year, I reflect on how this past year has been, I am extremely grateful for everything (good and bad) that has come my way and eveyone in my life to have made my life for what it is at the moment.

Adieu 2018. Onward to 2019.

One response

  1. I moved out of home
    a tonne of driving around

    Someday… I hope I will too. 😀